Complete Guide How To Successfully Register - Making Money From Home with your Webcam

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Easy-Registration Step by Step Guide:

Being a webcam performer is one of the easiest and safest ways to make money in the adult Business. A top webcam model can earn thousands of Dollars per week with working less than 30 hours. If you follow this instruction you will see becoming a good webcam model is very easy.
So now let's start.

Please make sure you have all Documents we need ready, before you sign up.

For more Information how to Make Money From Home as a Webcam Model visit our Information Website with a detailed how-to at:


Please check if you have all this ready before registration:

  • Computer
  • Broadband Internet Connection - as fast as possible

  • Webcam or a camcorder with a capture card (Video-In for your computer)

  • Your E-Mail Address

  • A Scanner or Digital Camera

  • Printer (might not be needed in all cases)

These are the Steps in Detail:

Our Easy Registration System is a user-friendly interface.

If you will use this document as reference, please print it or use the PDF Document or open this Document in a new Window.

1. This is the Start of the registration. Click on the Link below and this should be what you see.

It can look like this, but the appearance can change from time to time, and also it could look different depending on the country you live.

Login Page for Webcam Models

2. Important is that you press on "Join Us"

After you pressed "join us", you will see something like this on your Screen first:

Create Account mail and password for webcam models

3. Enter your valid e-mail address where you also have access to, and a password and activate the Checkbox "I accept the Service Agreement for Models/Studios". Green Check-Symbols will appear if the input is valid, and the e-mail address was not used before.

Write all things down on a Paper so you cannot forget it later. You must login with this information later.

4. Then press "Create account".

Something like this will now appear on your screen:

Webcam Models enter ID Details here

5. Now enter your personal details like Name, Birthdate, Gender Country, Nationality and Ethnicity as I did above. Green Check-Symbols will appear if your input is okay.

And now press Next. You will see the screen like below.

6. Now enter your ID-Details, for example from your Driver's License. If your document does not expire, check "My ID doesn't have an expiry date" else input the expiration date.

7. Now press Next and you should see the Screen below, where you have to upload the Pictures of the documents from where you entered the ID-Details above.

Where Webcam Models must upload a digital copy of their Documents

8. Now upload the digital copies of your document. You can simply drag the images (photos of the document) you made into the 3 boxes: ID Front - ID Back - Face & ID (with webcam is possible)

You can also or press on Browse to locate the image in the folder where you have it on you PC or Laptop, or on the desktop of you PC or Laptop.

At this time of writing the resolution of the images should be more than 500x500 pixel and the file size less than 15 MB, image Format can be JPG, JPEG,PNG or BMP, as shown in the screenshot below:


Picture Pixel size: 500 x 500 Pixel Minimum
File size of Picture: 15 MB (megabytes) Maximum

Ffor information about the required File size and Format put the mouse over the i-symbol .

Where Webcam Models must upload a digital copy of their Documents sample

After uploading your Documents successfully, the screen should look like this:

Where Webcam Models must upload a digital copy of their Documents completed

If the Green Check-Symbols is active above all 3 Documents, you can press continue.

9. Now select your account type (studio or single person)

Where Webcam Models chose between Single or studio account to make money

10. Most people have to select Single Account like shown above, and then press next.

Where Webcam Models chose  the categoey to make money

11. Now you can choose your category. For example Nude Category, and if you are a lady you chose girl. Do not choose “Porn Star” in the switch box (arrow down). Only click “I ‘am a Porn Star” if you work or worked as a Porn Star. You need to provide us with your stage-name, biography and film-history in addition to the usual registration documents and data. Our colleagues will evaluate this information and place you in the appropriate section. We have a special Program for Porn Stars.

12. Also you have to enter a Screen name (just letters here). This is the Name your Visitors will see, and know you. Most people will NOT enter their Real Name. Make it easy to remember for your customers. It has to be unique. If someone else already has chosen the “Screen Name” you want, you cannot use it. Enter another “Account Username”.

If the check symbol on the right goes green then press next.

Where Webcam Models chose  the categoey to make money finished

You will also get some suggestions below aswell so you can just select one of the coolest names from there if you do not have any idea what screen name to give yourself...

Where Webcam Models chose  the screen name to make money

Now press next.

This screen below will come up now. Here you have to enter some personal inforrmation, about your appearance like gender, hair color, eye color and so on...

Where Webcam Models provide model data to make money

When the green checkboxes on the right appear, like in the image below, you can press on next.

Where Webcam Models provide model data to make money finished

Finally if this screen below appears on your screen, your account is created and ready to earn money. It needs some fine-tuning like good pictures and so on, but we can also help you with this aswell.

Where Webcam Models make money

You may print this document to have it as a reference.

If you have any problems with all this, we will be happy to help you. Just contact us.

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